Have you been downtown lately? Did you notice the new art installations?
The newly formed has been hard at work, adding to the ambiance and charm of our downtown area. The Guild has already created a bit of artistic interest and whimsy in a few locations.
Come on down and take a look. The wall on the Marr Street side of Bella Vita is now graced with life sized silhouettes! A man dancing on a light pole, children being pulled in a wagon, a ballerina with an umbrella caught in the breeze and a little girl being lifted by balloons…and there are a few more surprise silhouettes still to come, so watch for them!

You will want to park, get out of your car, and walk around, too. Guild members, who are local artists and others interested in art, have some miniature surprises in store for you, if you can find them! Look down at the sidewalks, in corners, on curbs and down low on the sides of a few buildings…and you might see some stick figures or little animals and birds or scary and funny urchins! There are currently about 20 tiny “paintings”, but the guild will be adding more…surreptitiously, of course ….they are fun to find! The guild members plan to catalog the tiny paintings and prepare a scavenger hunt to help visitors find them…… and residents, too!
The Guild has also been working on what will become a “community” art project. You might have noticed the picnic table in the flowerbed on the corner of Everett and Marr. The city placed the table so that people will have a place to gather or eat a picnic meal or soak up some sun and then asked the Guild to “decorate” it. In the spring, the Guild will be asking art groups from the community to “re-do” the table, that is, to re-paint it in any artistic style they choose! Then again in the fall another group will be recruited to re-paint the table. Each new group that takes on the project will be acknowledged with a sign beside the newly painted table! If you and your group wants to go ahead and sign up for this fun project, let us know!
The Guild is open to all artists and people interested in art, so if you would like to join the Guild, contact Linda Bowlin at 892-0087. We have some great ideas for future projects…and we need your ideas and your talent, too!