Black River at Davidsonville Historic State park

Coupon for Canoe Float Trip

We posted about the river float trips Davidsonville Historic State Park was hosting. Here is a coupon for 10% off that float trip rental.

Available: 8/1/2012 – 9/30/2012


Enjoy a day out on the river with your family. Pick a canoe trip for either the Black River or Eleven Point River. All canoe floats must be set-up 24 hours in advance. Contact the park at 870-892-4708. Coupon is 10% off regular canoe trip rates.

The Fine Print

This coupon can only be redeemed when canoe float trip s set up 24 hours in advance. Please contact the park at 870-892-4708 to learn more.

The Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism does not endorse any property on this site. Information is supplied by individual property owners; we make no guarantee, explicit or implied, that the posted information is accurate. We do not confirm or warranty any listings. Confirmation is the sole responsibility of the renting or purchasing party. Owners are solely responsible for the accuracy of their listings and information.

Bird Watching in Randolph County

[fancy_box]By guest author Dr. Pat Carroll of Lesmeister Guesthouse & The St. Charles[/fancy_box]

Birding (bird watching) is very popular here due to Randolph County’s location on two of the main bird migration routes in the U. S.—the Central Flyway and the Mississippi Flyway. These merge just north of us, and their routes narrow here, concentrating the bird population as many, many bird species use these routes when flying to and from South America and the Caribbean during their seasons of migration, many nesting here each year. When birding here, be sure to watch for bald eagles, white pelicans, and the rare and feared extinct ivory billed woodpecker.

Our county offers excellent opportunities for bird watching as it contains both the uplands of the Ozarks and the wetlands of the Mississippi Delta. Two of the best spots for observing birds are the county’s two Wildlife Management Areas (WMA).

Read the full story at Arkansas Guest House’s website.

Black River at Davidsonville Historic State park

Davidsonville Historic State Park Float

Davidsonville Historic State Park is hosting River Floats on Black River and Eleven Point River.

Black River Float

The Black River float is 4-6 hours long. Canoes are put in at Davidsonville and picked up at Powhatan Historic State Park.

Eleven Point River Float

The Eleven Point float is 6-7 hours long. Canoes are put in at the Highway 90 bridge and picked up at Lloyd Williams Access.

Float trips participants must be at the park no later than 8:30 am and must be at their pick up destination no later than 4pm. To reserve a trip, DHSP must have 24 hour notice. Canoe and Kayak river floats are priced at $30 a vessel. This includes shuttle, vessel, life vests, and paddles. Shuttles for those with their own equipment is $30 a vessel.

For more information please contact, Davidsonville Historic State Park at 870-892-4708.